The Blue Whale

At least for me something that is extremely gratifying is cleaning, organizing, getting everything where it belongs and more importantly, so it is functional for you. The, “Big Blue Whalt” is our van, although many, and I even at one point swore I would NEVER, I repeat NEVER own a minivan, they are THE BOMB! Best vehicle ever for little kids and moms. So, today I though I would share a little bit of what is in our van. Again, maybe not for all, but for me when everything is organized I just love it! 1. This has been awesome if you have an older car and want Bluetooth capabilities. Our favorite is to play Disney on pandora and go around the car having everyone guess which movie the song playing is from. 2. Trash can Fits perfectly in our van in the passenger side, and there is even a little hook to hold it. Grocery sacks fit perfectly in, so no need to buy anything special, but you can if you want :D 3. This visor panel is fantastic and really helps wi...