
Welcome to The Health Drop Blog. My name is Alex I love cooking, cleaning, playing with my kids, spending time with my husband, exercising, as well as playing with our furry friends. I am a doTERRA wellness advocate, however, I don't want to promote doTERRA, I want to promote essential oil use in general. Through my research, as well as trying other companies, I always come back to doTERRA. You truly cannot beat the purity that doTERRA gives. Yes, I understand they are a little more expensive, but remember the saying, you get what you pay for. Again, this is my opinion, please do your own research and find what works best for you and your family. Always do your research and question absolutely everything. This blog is merely tidbits of sharing what I have grown to love and use every single day. My goal for this blog is to share my love with all of you and hopefully help anyone out there looking to create a healthier you and family. I believe so much in the oils and they have helped me greatly. They are my first source before I go to the Dr. With little kids they have helped save a lot of money and I know what my child is taking. Hope you enjoy and if you have any questions or are curious to know more just leave a comment or email me at: thehealthdrp@gmail.com 


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