
Essential oils are such an amazing resource we have to use, they are nature's most powerful tool to enhance our well being and living. Essential oils are extremely potent, 1 drop can go a long ways. Essential oils are simply amazing and something I use every day, this being said, some safety facts are listed below to be able to enjoy these wonderful oils safely.
* Keep all essential oils out of reach of children
* If your skin is sensitive, dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, and many more Also, place the oil on your feet, this is the safest area to apply essential oils. 
* Keep away from the eyes
* Avoid sun exposure or tanning booths for 24hrs. after applying a photosynthesizing, (citrus oil mainly), if the area you applied is covered with a shirt your okay
* Keep away from open flames
* Make sure,especially when using on kids you use dilution.

These are just some tips to stay safe and enjoy these wonderful oils!!!!


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