Yup! You read that right. We use cloth diapers in our household and have been for three years, and now on to our fourth kid. Now, cloth diapers are not for everyone, everyone has to do what is best for them and their family. For me personally, I thought about trying them when I was pregnant with my first, but let others sway my mind to not, I then started using after my second; and boy I am SO GLAD that I switched, I absolutely LOVE it, but that is me, I often joke that I was born in the wrong time period. The top four things I absolutely love about cloth diapering are:
1. Always have diapers on hand, (for me this is WAY less stress then having to go to the store every time I need diapers).
2. Depending on what type of cloth diapers you choose you can customize the absorbency, more padding in front for boys, more padding at night for heavy wetters, etc.
3. If you are planning to have at least 3 kids or more they save you money
4. They are SO STINKING cute!
Their are multiple different brands and types of cloth diapers. I decided to go with pocket cloth diapers because you can customize your absorption, also, the AIO and other styles I either wasn’t a fan of or, I am sorry but my kids always dirty the whole diaper, so just changing the inner part wouldn’t work.

This is some of my stash, not all, but enough of a variety to show everything. One huge gain to OS, (one size) cloth diapers is that you either snap the cover down for smaller babies or unsnap for larger babies. For me I chose to have more diapers then some because I didn’t want to be dependent on having to wash every day etc. I think now I have around 30 diapers, this is what works for me and that wasn’t what I started with, I slowly grew my stash. The biggest advice I was given when I started out, was try a few of each style and brand, this is a must because everyone’s babies and preferences are different.
Nicki’s Diapers has an AMAZING 7 day wash trial, if you don’t like it then return it!

These are
Rumparooz, my absolutely favorite for newborn, till they are out grown. At least on my children, these run small so they cant fit in them through there entire diapering journey. I love these because they are double gusset, this helps keep absolutely everything in. They are extremely soft on the inside and durable. The grey one is their OBV style, I really didn’t care for it, and prefer the normal pocket along with snaps. The hook and loop style I find to be a pain because babies can pull it off much easier as well as if they are velcroed down they stick to everything in the wash cycle. Kangaroo Care, (Rumparooz company) has exceptional customer service as well.

Another brand I like is the Nickis Diapers Brand, they are bigger, so fit my boys much better. This picture is comparing Nickis diaper, (in back) to Bumgenius. Nickis Diapers have a longer TAB to pull around the baby. Nickis brand is cheaper, the elastic to me hasn’t held up as well as the Thirsties, however I also grab for the Nickis more.
Thirsties is my second most liked brand. They have a double gusset type if diaper like Rumparooz but fits larger babies. You can buy from the Thirsties website or from Nickis Diapers, the benefit from buying from Nickis Diapers is you get points.
All in all my favorite Diapers for Larger babies are: Nickis Diapers brand, Thirsties, and
Imagine. For smaller My favorite are: Rumparooz, thirsties, and Imagine.
These are all of the different inserts and styles of inserts. My go to inserts are
Kangacare 6r Soaker Bamboo they are HIGHLY absorbent and I pair a large one of these on the bottom with a microfiber on top. I also like the
Nickis ultimate bamboo this paired with a microfiber on top is also extremely absorbent. For my night time diapers I use the Kangacare 6r soaker with a large microfiber on top with another small, (short insert for newborns) microfiber on top and have had no problems. Again everyone has their preferences.
* Favorite wet bag for diaper bag is
Thirsties wet dry bag you can keep dry clothes or wipes pouch in front zipper pocket and dirty diapers in the larger zipper.
* Large
wet bag for trash can, Had mine for three years, starting to rip the top seam but pretty good for price
* Swishing diapers in the toilet is all fine and dandy, but
this makes life much easier and cleaner!
These help immensely in the washer to get everything clean
TIDE original powder the only detergent that has truly cleaned my diapers, can be found on sale at sams or costco
Drying rack, great because it collapses as well as can be easily moved outside to let the sun dry/ bleach diapers
For me and my family we absolutely love cloth diapering and wouldn’t go any other way, but I know not everyone likes washing more laundry. Choose what is best for you and your littles. Don’t forget to leave a comment with your favorite brand, or questions
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