Somethin Special

 On our, “Somethin Special Farm” we had a pretty neat experience this past week. Our goat Jessie, (La Mancha) had two beautiful does, Elsa and Holly. This was her second birth with twins. While watching Jessie and her kids interact I had a few thoughts come to mind. Just how amazing the female body is. How God created a female to bear a child, to grow, feed, and deliver, how amazing is that?!?!?  Watching how caring Jessie was, cleaning and trying to help them as much as she could made me think of how each of us, whether we have our own children, nieces, nephews, cousins, adopted nieces and nephews, bonus kids, etc. How do we care for those in our lives? It is always intriguing to see how Stitch, (Great Pyrenees, Guard Dog) interacts with the new babies. He is such a gentle giant, immediately starts helping clean them and nudging them to get up once they have fallen, helping keep them warm at night. Who nudges us in our life? Who helps us keep going? In life we are going to be given curve balls, “trials” how we handle those trials is up to us and us alone. If we choose to turn towards God or away. I have noticed that when going through something besides reading the scriptures and praying, exercising is monumental! Getting your body up and out of the funk, getting those endorphins flowing, drinking water as the first thing. I have always loved working out, but finding your reasons is key. My reason or drive hasn’t always been the same, it has sense changed into a healthier reason. I choose to get up nice an early because it makes me happy, it makes me free, and it makes me not only more patient, but over all more low key. Find your reason, but find something that allows those endorphins to flow, allow your body to move to get into shape so you can keep playing with those kids, keep working in the garden, whatever it might be. So this week, choose, choose to move your body, choose to prolong your life and keep your body more healthy by getting out and moving, whether its following a workout on YouTube, going for a run, or a walk, or pushing kids in a stroller, find something that you enjoy. Two people I love following are: Amy she has monthly challenges that are free and she has a lot of expertise and gives great modifications for pregnant, postnatal, older, etc. The second is GlowBodyPT I haven’t been following her for long but LOVE her style and have been loving her 12 week post pregnancy plan. Choose to enjoy what you have, choose to get in shape to be able to run and play with your kids, grandkids, etc. Choose to be healthy 


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